You're Helping Us

Reach The Goal

For Us, Our Children and Generations to Come

Would you like to donate monthly?

Help us pay the loan and manage Darbar Sahib expenses and Langgar Sewa.

Do a one-off donation instead?

Larger one-off donations help us reduce the total loan repayment

One-off Donation

*If you prefer to donate an amount which is not stated above, please contact us

With Guru’s grace, we have completed Milestone 1

Last Updated: 28th Jan 2024

We’re getting there!

Milestone 1

RM 1 Mil

Milestone 2

RM 2 Mil

Milestone 3

RM 3 Mil

Milestone 4

RM 4 Mil

Milestone 5

RM 5 Mil

Milestone 6

RM 6 Mil

Purchase Price

Milestone 7

RM 7 Mil

Purchase Price

+ Stamp Duty

+ MOT & More

Milestone 8

RM 7.5 Mil

A brief history of the coming and evolution of Darbar Sahib in Malaysia


Darbar Sahib was founded in Malaysia

Initially situated on the third floor of a shop lot building in SS3, Kelana Jaya, Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Malaysia, became a spiritual hub where the Sanggat actively participated in daily simran sessions, weekly programs, and Gurpurabs.

Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School was launched in Malaysia

Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School conducted its classes within the Darbar Sahib, utilizing an office space generously provided by a fellow Sangat member. As the school flourished, the need for more space became evident, prompting us to embark on a search for a suitable location.


We were blessed with a new location

Outgrowing the confines of the shoplot, we were guided by Maharaj Ji to discover a spacious factory lot in Section 51A, Petaling Jaya.

Thus began the sewa of cleaning and renovating the new space, a testament to His grace and guidance.

Maharaj ji put His Charan in the new Asthaan

Expressing gratitude for the newfound space, we acknowledge the numerous blessings over the years.

The Sanggat has been enriched with uplifting programs, joyous celebrations, Amrit Sanchars, and Annual Semagams.


We're buying the Building!

With invaluable advice from the Sanggat and the divine blessings received, we have initiated the process of acquiring the building. We earnestly hope that, with His continued blessings, the noble goal of purchasing the building will soon materialize."

We Thank You for your Support

You're Helping Us

Reach The Goal

For Us, Our Children and Generations to Come

Would you like to donate monthly?

Help us pay the loan and manage Darbar Sahib expenses and Langgar Sewa.

Do a one-off donation instead?

Larger one-off donations help us reduce the total loan repayment

One-off Donation

*If you prefer to donate an amount which is not stated above, please contact us

We’re getting there!

With Guru’s grace, we have completed Milestone 1

Last Updated: 28th Jan 2024

Milestone 1

RM 1 Mil

Milestone 2

RM 2 Mil

Milestone 3

RM 3 Mil

Milestone 4

RM 4 Mil

Milestone 5

RM 5 Mil

Milestone 6

RM 6 Mil

Purchase Price

Milestone 7

RM 7 Mil

Purchase Price

+ Stamp Duty

+ MOT & More

Milestone 8

RM 7.5 Mil

A brief history of the coming and evolution

of Darbar Sahib in Malaysia


Darbar Sahib was founded in Malaysia

Darbar Sahib was founded in Malaysia

Initially situated on the third floor of a shop lot building in SS3, Kelana Jaya, Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Malaysia, became a spiritual hub where the Sanggat actively participated in daily simran sessions, weekly programs, and Gurpurabs.

Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School was launched in Malaysia

Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School was launched in Malaysia

Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School conducted its classes within the Darbar Sahib, utilizing an office space generously provided by a fellow Sangat member. As the school flourished, the need for more space became evident, prompting us to embark on a search for a suitable location.


We were blessed with a new location

We were blessed with a new location

Outgrowing the confines of the shoplot, we were guided by Maharaj Ji to discover a spacious factory lot in Section 51A, Petaling Jaya.

Thus began the sewa of cleaning and renovating the new space, a testament to His grace and guidance.

Maharaj ji put His Charan in the new Asthaan

Maharaj ji put His Charan in the new Asthaan

Expressing gratitude for the newfound space, we acknowledge the numerous blessings over the years.

The Sanggat has been enriched with uplifting programs, joyous celebrations, Amrit Sanchars, and Annual Semagams.


We're buying the Building!

We're buying the Building!

With invaluable advice from the Sanggat and the divine blessings received, we have initiated the process of acquiring the building. We earnestly hope that, with His continued blessings, the noble goal of purchasing the building will soon materialize."

We Thank You for your Support