For Us, and Generations to come

For Us, and Generations to come

Home of Gobind Sarvar

Home of Gobind Sarvar

Building Fund

In 2018, Maharaj Ji's Grace led us to the current location in Section 51A, PJ.

To secure our spiritual abode, we have initiated efforts to purchase the building.

We humbly request the Sangat's support in this noble endeavor.

Become A Monthly Contributor

7.1 Mil

Our Target

1.1 Mil

Raised So Far

Updated: 28th Jan 2024

Your Support Matters On This Journey Together

Your Support Matters On This Journey Together

Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Bulandpuri Sahib

Our noble mission, established in 1990 in Bulandpuri Sahib, Punjab, revolves around sharing and practicing the profound teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. We strive to realize the gift of human life, promoting positive change, invoking love within oneself, and ultimately merging with the Divine by Guru's Grace.

Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is currently established in 17 locations throughout the world.

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Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School

Today’s Learner, Tomorrow’s Guide...

Originally established on the blessed land of Punjab in 1999 at Bulandpuri Sahib, Gobind Sarvar Gurmat School first set foot on Malaysian soil in the year 2017.

Since its humble inception with but a handful of students and sevadaars, Gobind Sarvar Malaysia has grown overtime and to date, the school hosts more than 150 registered students of various ages and backgrounds.

The school also expanded globally since its establishment in 1999 and is currently present in 16 countries.

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About Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Malaysia

About Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Malaysia

Darbar Sahib was established in Malaysia in 2015 and was located on the third floor of a shop lot building in SS3, Petaling Jaya.

In the year 2018, Darbar Sahib shifted to a standalone building in Section 51a, Petaling Jaya.

The building has been and is currently on monthly rent.

Darbar Sahib is the home to a meditation center, spiritual/language school for the upcoming generations, and serves as a space for community development and service.

With the continuous guidance of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, we firmly believe in the Oneness of all beings. We practice to recognize that every individual, regardless of race, gender, or background, carries the divine light within - making us inseparable from one another through the reality of Oneness.

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